
"You can see it in their eyes. The vacancy. Dispiritedness. Deadly silence speaking volumes. People mouthing the words of loneliness. Walking through the shadow of their lives. Souls that are AWOL, pulled along like hollow husks on an invisible track connected to nowhere and nobody.

Even in a supermarket when we are shopping, do we bother to speak to people -- people in the flesh, not on the other end of that little electronic mishap that’s responsible for reducing people to a decibel controlled by a translucent volume button -- or even worse -- a God awful ringtone.

That’s the whole problem in a nutshell. We are adept at cell phoning, text-messaging and I-M-ing our BFF, but not E-Moting or honing our antiquated communciation skills -- the ones before the technolgy revolution short-circuited our evolution.

We are a world of bumper car drivers who are resigned to jolt others but not feel them. We don’t want to get out of our cars for fear of being left behind. By bumping into each other, we push each other away, instead of embracing each other and holding them close.

I am convinced that there are millions of Souls in the universe trying to connect. Trying to intermingle their energies into each other to get that unspeakable communion of Soul and connect with a supreme force."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Heat Wanted

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