
"Have we sacrificed product for marketing? Do we have less choice and more of someone else’s choice? If your aisles are too narrow, you won't be able to move. Narrow choices come from narrow minds. A clutter-free mind can roam anywhere."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Aisles Have It

NathanKP  – (10/09/2008 8:12 AM)  

I definitely agree with you statement "A clutter-free mind can roam anywhere."

I believe that most of the reason why people miss out on the more subtle aspects of life is because their minds are cluttered with modern gadgets and goals. For example people now use cell phones, computers and other gadgets to organize their lives.

How can a machine understand what must be done and what is right and wrong? People ignore the powers and skills that they have in themselves because they are distracted by the external. They rely on their own inventions to sustain them.

NathanKP - Imagination Manifesto

Alexys Fairfield  – (10/09/2008 9:36 AM)  

Hi Nathan,
I know I have said it a million times, but I think technology is making us all robots. It makes us crave stuff and more stuff. Stuff we don't need, stuff that we don't want, more stuff. And then to show it's appreciation of making them wealthy, the technology industry cleverly makes the stuff we buy obsolete as soon as we leave the store, so we have to buy more stuff so we can have the latest. It is a vicious circle and we run around chasing our own tail, tripping over wires, and clutter strewn with devices.

We are machines and the sad thing is that we can't even program ourselves. :-o

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