Engage In Exchange
"It is in thinking for ourselves that we learn to engage in the exchange of information, the process of sharpening our mental utensils and preparing to gormandize the banquet of cogitation.
Thinking is the ability to chew and swallow, accept and reject what is presented and cogently argue a point while ascertaining our relation to that thought.
It’s the synergy of conception that makes us think. If we can’t meet a thought on common ground then we have missed the point."
~Alexys Fairfield
Read more in...How To Be A Thinker
Superb elocution!
Yes, that's the right word--I could hear you saying it...
~ Alex from Our Evolution
Hi Alex,
You heard right. You must have bionic hearing. ;D
Your avatar seems to have lost something?I can't put my finger on it.
Yeah, I lost my old age...
But not your wisdom.