Watch What You Watch
>> 5.03.2008 –
14 Reasons Why Bad News Is Bad For You,
Alexys Fairfield,
"Television is a seemingly harmless marvel. It wakes us, entertains us, shouts at us in surround sound during commercials and puts us to sleep after a long day. Somewhere in between viewing its contents, we wind up watching television news. While it’s natural to want to know what’s going on in the world, the effects of what we see on television often leave our mental TiVo on pause."
~Alexys FairfieldRead more in...
14 Reasons Why Bad News Is Bad For You
There exist people who choose to watch t.v. and live vicariously through the lives of fictional characters. There also exist people who do not to watch tv, but rather, choose to create and live the lives other people assume only happen in books and films.
You can detach and observe or take other steps to explore the knowledge of infinity.
Hi Liara,
Now infinity would make a good TV program. I wonder what it would entail? Hmmmm?