Chiseled Features

"Manifestation travels from our thoughts, through our hands and to our existence. We are all born with chisels in our hands. It is our obligation to carve out our destiny and to strike places in the marble that give it flesh."

~Alexys Fairfield


Life Dance

"Life is a dance in which we are partners. Sometimes we move forward, backwards, sideways, in circles, are thrown in the air, and land on the ground, but we are not standing still. The various steps, kicks, twists and turns will always keep us on our toes."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Counting Backwards


Measure Of Man

"Our whole society is based on numbers to measure how big, how small, how much, how high, how far; yet there are no numbers that measure a man's depth or breadth.

It can't be measured by any instrument that calculates numbers. It can only be gauged by how big our heart is, how small our ego is, how much we love, how high we see, and how far we think.

Numbers, volume, and quantity are ways that confine thinking. Infinity has no number, no calculation, no limit. It slips through our hands like sand and we don't realize that the grains of sand themselves are infinity. We can no more count individual grains than we can count infinity, but we can start to see that there is no end to our nature as Soul - which is essentially the only infinity we know."

~Alexys Fairfield


No Expectations

"Sometimes people can’t express love in the same way as you can and they are often thought of as not loving you. Understanding that everyone is different helps you to understand your own capacity to love and not put expectations on someone else to fulfill you."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...6 Lessons Not Learned In School


Little Rocks

"We look under big rocks, over the horizons, across vistas and travel a thousand planes with dirt under our feet to find voluminous revelations to life's puzzle. We grumble and complain about the little rocks that get caught under our feet and throw us off course when those little rocks on the path are life's footprints to our greatest achievements."

~Alexys Fairfield



"Your thoughts are within earshot of your actions."

~Alexys Fairfield


The Law Of Order

"When we start to think of the miracle of life, it is pretty mind boggling. It is more profound that the fertilization of an egg. It’s about our place in the cycle of life, the stars, and the universe."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Does Unconditional Love Exist?


Happy Driving

"We can’t drive if we have no drive. When we take the road to anything worth pursuing and we approach a curve, we must hold on to the steering wheel and negotiate that turn. If we stop, we won’t see what’s around the bend. If we go into a skid, we are going too fast. We must slow down, take our foot off of the accelerator and brakes and turn the steering wheel in the direction that we want the front of the car to go. Specifically, this means aligning our tires with the direction of our intended travel."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...7 Quick Steps To Bliss



"Life is like being on the flying trapeze. We have to remember that surrendering is putting our hands up and reaching for bigger hands."

~Alexys Fairfield


The Not-So Secret

"Embrace who you are to become who you can be."

~Alexys Fairfield



"When you are ever on the other end of 'I love you,' you know that all sounds stop for that split second in time that freezes you into life's ethers and lifts you to the heavens of foreverness."

~Alexys Fairfield


Stop Thinking

"If you think that there is nothing you can do to enhance the life of another human being, then stop thinking. The difference between thought and action is in your hands."

~Alexys Fairfield


The 3 C's

"Life is about chance, change and consequence - the three C’s. When we know the three C’s of life, then we know what to expect and change is less likely to catch us off guard."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Surf's Up


Sing It

"Men and women both speak foreign languages when it comes to love. Even though she may feel love, a woman wants to be reassured that she is loved. A man may not understand this because he feels that it’s obvious that he loves her because he is with her. He may have said, “I love you,” once and he thinks that should serve her for as long as they are together. Love is one song that has to be sung over and over again."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Law Of Animal Attraction


The Answers In Nature's Book

"The answers to life are in the air, the clouds, the trees, the mountains, the streams, the fields, the caves, the landscapes and the nightingales song. They are sprinkled throughout the pens of writers, the paint brushes of artists, the minds of inventors, the calculations of scientists, the eyes of photographers, the voices of singers, the breath and motions of musicians, the rhymes of poets and the rhythm of dancers - they all move with the flow of nature."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... The Shell


Moving Forward

"Our heart is too precious to let anything other than love inhabit its walls. If we don’t let it go, we are keeping ill feelings alive and we will never be able to move forward. Forgiving is not forgetting, forgiving is acknowledging that we have to move forward."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Sleeping Dog Under The Bridge Is Bygone


Embrace Music

"When you approach your dreams, approach them gently. Don't tug at them, wrestle with them or strangle them. Step quietly into their rhythm and let them play their symphony inside you."

~Alexys Fairfield


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