God's Time

"Soul is in no hurry to unfold. It doesn’t care if it takes a lifetime or a thousand lifetimes. We will learn exactly what we need to learn and do precisely what we need to do in God’s time. Not thy will, thy will be done.

We're all running the same marathon. It’s called life. We have time to get to the end of the race. If we run around like chickens with our heads cut off, we won’t get anywhere.

So many people try to run the race without pacing themselves and wind up on the side of the road hurt, disappointed, disillusioned and laden with the phrase, “If I had only done this? I could have been somebody great. I could have been a contender.”

What happens if you stop short of the finish line? What happens if you get off of your path to glory? You miss out on self-illumination. Afraid of finishing last? It doesn't matter if you finish first or last, you’re not racing against anyone except yourself. All that matters is that you finish."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Human Race



"We are a culture of watchers. We watch everything. We gawk at it with our mouths open. We point to it. We pick at it. We make it bleed and the blood never runs dry. It suspends our disbelief.

We know more about Paris Hilton's lack of discretion (and a camera lens); Britney Spears' lack of underwear (and hair); Lindsay Lohan's paparazzi-induced demolition derby; Anna Nicole Smith’s oversupply of her baby’s fathers; and Donald Trump firing shots at Rosie O'Donnell and vice versa, until Rosie falls out of view and Trump raises his flag on her cheeks (Yes those cheeks.)

We know more about these people whom we have never met and probably won’t ever know on a personal level than we do about our own families. And that’s not a good thing. Sure we engage in the folly of the celebrity for fun, but when it replaces real news then there’s a problem.

It’s about finding your place in society, feeling like you’re a part of it all. Fitting in by not fitting in. It’s finding your own spectacular moment. The defining moment when you make a connection with something greater than yourself. When you feel there’s a greater force pulling the strings, shaking the trees, moving the clouds and realigning your consciousness."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Living Under The Influence


Word For Word

"Unfortunately it’s become acceptable to say what you don’t mean and mean what you don’t say. It’s not acceptable to make a promise with no intention of keeping it. It’s not okay to be rude, a liar, or to get someone’s hopes up just to shatter them.

We have come to accept it like it is no big deal. Well, it is a big deal. If you don’t value your word, nobody else will value it. What’s your word worth? Your word should be worth more than gold, worth more than all the money in the world. Priceless, not worthless. Your word is a contract."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Salty Lips


Window Clinger

"A joyeur is a watcher. Someone who watches through the window of life, never going outside. A joyeur is a sideliner. Someone who waits on the sidelines watching the joy in life. They live vicariously.

A joyeur dangles lifelessly from a noose of self-doubt, fear, loathing, anger, unhappiness or whatever mental trap they’ve fallen for. The illusion has let them down and they can’t get up or out.

They wish their lives were better but they don’t know how to step across the line and become a participant in their own life. They are stuck in a rut. Boggled in the static that surrounds them."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Are You A Joyeur


Long Distance Runners

"When you have a negative thought, it’s fired like a starting pistol, then it’s off and running. All thoughts are good sprinters, but negative thoughts are great long distance runners. By moving all of the negative thoughts out, you will only have room for positive thoughts. Let life work at it’s pace. You can’t hurry the process by pacing. If it is meant for you, nothing will stop it from happening. If it is not meant for you, nothing will make it happen."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Sean Connery's Wife Said It



"We’re so quick to praise a superhero, be it an athlete, actor, model, or anyone famous, when we don’t praise the people in our lives who mean the most to us -- the real superheroes.

The people who help us build our character, nobility and moral fiber, the teachers who inspire and push us to strive, the inner guides that give us confidence, courage and ability to be the best in our fields and to be decent human beings. These are the real heroes.

You can be a superhero just by being the best person you can be right now in this moment. You don’t have to have extraordinary powers, wear a skintight unitard, a mask, fly through the air, leap tall buildings in a single bound, dodge speeding bullets, or have special equipment to get you out of dangerous situations. You have amazing forces deep within your resolve. You can use them at anytime."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Your Inner Superhero


Take Me To The River

"So how do we make the most of our heart? Love. Love ‘til your heart’s content. Love ‘til you can feel the river of love flow through you and out into the world. Love ‘til the rocks move from the shore. Love ‘til the stars fall from the sky. Love. All the time. Love even when you feel that you have none. Do it with kindness."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...One Heart



"Pain is a measure
of your resistance to change."

Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... A Donkey's Resolve



" If you want to see the magic of love. I mean really see the bud of it in an unassuming, unconditional environment, then try this. Declare yourself the vehicle for love. By declaring yourself the vehicle for love, you are declaring yourself open to the vibration of the universe. That’s a powerful statement because you are opening the doors -- many doors to the hearts of others. It’s the connection with others that make us powerful beings."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Want Love



"If we spend so much time being the light for others and not replenishing ourselves, then we will be in darkness. If we want to shine our brightest, then we have to know when to recharge ourselves. There is really nothing we can do for anyone, including ourselves if we burn ourselves out. Just like we are powerless in power outages, the same is true for spiritual power."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Mighty Wind


Walk Softly

"We live in a society where men especially are afraid to be tender. Afraid to cry. Afraid to have feelings because they look at feelings as weakness. Though we know that’s nonsense, that still doesn’t stop many men from posturing or peacocking.

As we mature, we construct steel barriers to protect ourselves, but in the process we become hard, jaded, angry, unhappy and hurtful when situations don’t go our way.

We lose focus and we no longer keep our eyes forward. Situations that leave a bad taste in our mouths can find their way down to our hearts. That’s when we begin to close off and retreat into a world of darkness. However, we can reverse the process.

When we feel that we are going into a dark moment, we can remember the moments that we felt love and tenderness. The times when we were taught something new. When we learned how to fly. Not to forget the people who touched our hearts. We can’t deny ourselves tenderness. It can save our heart."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Love Tenderly


Buckle Up

"We are all exactly where we should be at this exact moment and there is nothing wrong with it. It is exactly where God has navigated us. Explorers map the earth, astronomers map the heavens, geneticists map chromosomes, we map our hearts and God maps our Souls.

We have performed incredible tasks. We may not realize it, but in some way or another, we have crossed landmines, driven through roadblocks, made wrong turns, survived quick sand, climbed mountains, been up a creek without a paddle, swam through sharks -- everything a spiritual adventure affords us.

Though times make us exhausted and make us want to quit, we emerge unscathed; unless we count a few superficial scratches and a little emotional bruising. The spiritual battle is worth the fight -- and worth the glory."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Where You Should Be


Portraying Lies

"Men are portrayed as superheroes, princes, warriors, super cool spies, gods, and handsome billionaires, while women are portrayed as witches who have to cast spell on men to get them to love them, (Practical Magic) conniving bisexual icepick-toting criminals without underwear (Basic Instinct) and weak relationship junkies who will do anything, including prostitution (Pretty Woman) to get a man.

Films such as, Bridget Jones’s Diary, My Best Friend’s Wedding, What Women Want, The Wedding Planner, Someone Like You, Runaway Bride and others fuse a woman’s insecurities until she detonates in a string of bad relationships that sabotage her ultimate happiness. Films like these do more damage than good to a woman’s psyche, ego, self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...What Kills Friendship


Rain Walkers

"You see, we are all here to make something of ourselves, not to just evaporate into the ethers before we make our mark. We are here to weather storms, to let lightening strike, to roll with the thunder, walk through the rain."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Is That Really A Word?


White Flag

"We each have our own wars that we wage; some silent, some loud. If we can get through them, moment by moment, we will be victors and be able to raise our flag on our own sanity."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Excuse My Uzi



"We all have blind spots from time to time. Ironically, we often see them in others before we see them in ourselves.

I’ve always felt that there were eyes watching me. Eyes that need no invitation. Eyes that emanate warmth and kindness. Eyes that remind me of my past. Eyes that guide me to my future. Eyes that said nothing, but said it all. Eyes of resplendent glory and faith. Eyes of the invisible that became very clear.

I do know that we are more susceptible to blind spots when we are overburdened. We can decrease our blind spots by becoming more aware of their existence. By becoming aware of another set of eyes."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Eyes In The Sky


Changing Reality

"Our reality can change when our perception does. We are always redefining our lives through our perception and that's the beauty of evolving. We grow, we learn, we grow again, we learn again. How many times does a snake shed its skin? How many times do we redecorate our thinking? Our personal evolution begins in the epicenter of our consciousness shaking us, waking us and opening the earth of knowingness."

~Alexys Fairfield


Inner Most

"Human love has it’s limitations, limited to what resides in our human consciousness, but sometimes it surprises me. The purest love comes from that source within everyone that connects us to our ultimate source; the place where love is cultivated. We have a choice whether to love ourselves or not. Whether to suffer the pains that enslave our spirit or gracefully traverse through the bad experiences and hold on to good ones. Any way you look at it, it’s the amount of experiences -- good or bad -- that fossilize our experience with our inner most being."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Love Hath No Fear


It's Inside

"We have no control of what’s surrounding us, only what’s within us."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Golden Tongue Wisdom


A Clearing House

"Your passion is what keeps you alive -- and what makes you feel alive. It’s inside you waiting for every opportunity to come out and let you shine. If it doesn’t come out, it too will die prematurely. You want it to come out. You want it to breathe life into you. You need it to live your best life. You need it to be happy.

Blogging is just one way to encourage your passion by talking about it. It creates an electronic record in the universe, an acceptance of your gifts, an acknowledgment that your passion is being nurtured.

Passion takes discipline. Courage. Will. Determination. Planning. A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight, but the Wright brothers planned their flight longer than it took the wingspan to be built.

Blogging helps blueprint your life. Blogging is a clearing house of thoughts. Thoughts that may go unheard if they don’t have an outlet. It’s internet therapy."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Right To Fly



"A bridge usually takes us over water, but it also shows us that change is coming, change is needed, change is good. God is our bridge over water, troubled or otherwise. And like God, we can be the bridge for those Souls drowning."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Friday Gratitude - Bridges


Movement Of Time

"The watchmaker makes the watch. He makes time and you watch time. Wouldn’t you rather make time instead of watching it? A movement in watchmaking is the mechanism that measures the passage of time. The way we move in life also measures the passage of time, but it doesn’t tell us which direction to go. The movement is in (or on) our hands."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Watch And Listen



"Monogamy exists so we can be happy with who is in front of us, not with who may be two doors down, around the corner and across the street."

~Alexys Fairfield



"We are architects of our consciousness, measuring, drawing, making plans for the way we live. We are dream makers building our dreams in the sky."

~Alexys Fairfield



"You can talk about God and the ways to achieve it until you are blue in the face, but if nobody wants to hear it or nobody gets it, are you merely wasting your time? No. I think there are Souls out there that get it. Souls that are listening. Souls that know how to enhance their lives. Souls that steer their vehicles in the right direction and actually get to their destination."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...City Of God


Written In Our Soul

"Passion is everything and the only thing that keeps me going. If we are not passionate about our lives, then we can’t be passionate about anything. Passion is what makes us get up in the morning. Passion makes our heart beat faster. Makes it skip a beat. Passion ignites our flame. It’s is written on the walls of our Soul. No one can take away our passion. No one can make us feel what we don’t already feel in the depth of our spirit.

I am drawn to experiences that inspire passion. Once you are connected to it in an all-knowing and all-being way, you can fly to the greatest heavens and soar with the eagles. Let your passion uplift you and no matter what happens in your life, it will always be your cushion. Live each day with passion and it will surely fuel everything that you desire in your heart."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Me And The Cohiba


Choppy Waters

"Whether we are in choppy waters or sailing smoothy, the way we ride the current is key. Life’s waters are unpredictable, they change with the wind. They can knock us overboard or cause us to hang on for dear life. Giving gratitude for each moment helps us understand the sea by surrendering to God’s current."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Sail On


Priceless Moments

"Why can’t we have the holiday spirit everyday? People are happy. Strangers speak. People smile. They give love freely. It doesn’t have to go away. Something phenomenal happens during the holidays; there is a culmination of thought that simultaneously puts many of us in the same frame of mind to be loving, kind and good.

For that moment we forget pettiness, backbiting, meanspiritedness and the darker side of man. We feel good, invincible, connected to the universe. The emanating love pouring from its heart is a part of us and our cups runneth over.

These priceless moments are what life is about. We need more of them and we can have them by replicating holiday feelings all year long."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Keeping The Spirit Alive


The Art Of Blogging

Bloggers are a rare breed. We are electronic diarists. We have rhythm. We probably should run the world. We have a lot to say -- and many ways to say it. We are eyes in the dark. Voices that carry. Strong voices that are literally heard all over the world. To anyone out there exploring the idea of starting a blog, do it. Show the world what you have. Share your voice, opinion, interests, emotions, life.

There’s comfort in blogging. It’s a refuge for the best kept secrets on earth. We tell secrets that we don’t tell anyone. It’s safe. It’s a relief. It’s good to get it out in the open. Like a spy mission, some of us can’t reveal who we are. If we tell you, then we must kill you. And blood on the keyboard can get a little messy."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Happy Anniversary


Be Your Own Alchemist

"It is full of simple truths that have been said better in other books, but that could be just it -- truth is simple. It’s not overdressed with a lot of make-up and high heels. It’s plain and down to earth and can look you in the eye without blinking.

People want to believe in fate. They want to believe in the inconceivable, the stars and the heavens, the romancing of the stone, and for that, The Alchemist is good fodder for dreamers and anyone who believes that there is something to believe in, something to hope for, something to hold on to and someone who answers your prayers and makes your dreams possible."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Alchemist Review


Overcoming Fear

"When faced with death, it is said that your life flashes before your eyes and you remember the most profound moments of your life. A film reel of personal events play that stir up happy times. It’s an ironic twist that you remember the happiest events during a not so happy event. As soon as this life is over, you’re taken to a soul plane, debriefed and reassigned to another life. And that’s what life is -- overcoming the fear of death and embracing the joy of life."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Handprints



"Let’s not lose the
momentum of gratitude.
Without it,
we would be
stagnant creatures
waiting for life to

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Friday Gratitude



"Gratitude gives you a fresh perspective, a vantage point and a new pair of eyes in the dark. Examine your life. Look at it’s colors, shape, form and texture. Listen to what it’s telling you. Understand the strings that were pulled to bring you to life. Understand it well. You are very fortunate to have won God’s lottery. Gratitude is a way that you can recycle the love and compassion that has been given to you."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Friday Gratitude


What Are You Waiting For?

"We have a choice
to live each moment
or to die waiting to live."

~Alexys Fairfield


Inner Muscles

"Your Soul is in perpetual motion to entice you into clear consciousness. To bring you to a level when you can rise above mental and emotional debris. To soften the harsh blows of life and alleviate earthly pressures.

You can relieve your pain instead of reliving it. You can mend a heart, instead of breaking one. You can dry a tear, instead of making one. You can build someone up, instead of tearing them down. Make someone’s day. Give someone a good memory.

Love is the only reason we are here. We are nothing more than a shell before God fits us with a Soul. Let us love like we have never loved before. Flex your inner muscle. Go on, make someone’s day."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Flex



"There is so much emotional baggage and pain that we carry, it has to find an outlet before it weighs us down forever. As an spiritual exercise, write something that’s buried in your heart and release it into the universe. You don’t have to send it to anyone, just know that someone, somewhere will hear your prayers and you’ll have one less burden in your heart."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... A Dinghy And A Prayer


Location, Location, Location

"Do you know where you are? Do you know where you want to be? Do you have any idea? Don’t let the mistakes of your past hinder today. Don’t let yesterday become today. Each day is new. Today is a miracle. You are here. You are breathing. Today is your day. Every minute is a new world. An opportunity to leave the old world behind. Where are you? You are here. Are you ready to evolve? Today is your day."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...You Are Here


Tech Heads

"More importance is placed on technology because that's where we are headed as a society. Sooner than not we will be wired to an electronic cable extended from the sky and pulled to a destiny determined by technology. We will be devoid of emotional output and full of red and blue wires delicately choking our sense of freedom."

~Alexys Fairfield


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