Seize The Moment

"A moment of truth is when you
express your deepest feelings
to someone you love.
During that split second of time,
you are totally free,
spinning in an open space
between thought and emotion;
reality and fallacy;
internity and eternity.
There is a sacredness in
that unlocked moment
when nothing else can
enter your sphere of honesty --
the synergy of truth."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Synergy Of Truth



"Until we stop using words as weapons, gouging out the heart of the enemy and basking in their blood, we will never take a step towards peace. The only mass weapons of destruction are using words to hurt rather than heal."

~Alexys Fairfield


A Tool

"Money is a tool
for survival,
but it will bury
you alive
if you let it."

~Alexys Fairfield



not absence
makes the heart
grow fonder."


Shooting Gallery

"Change starts with the thought which leads to manifestation. Sometimes doing the right thing takes tremendous effort, fight and intestinal fortitude, but you feel good knowing that you've at least knocked down one more duck in the gallery."

~Alexys Fairfield


Bitter Pill

"Misery truly loves company. It takes a lot of skill and practice. It has an outer shell that is hard to crack and an even harder center. Misery carries over to other aspects of your life too. If you hate your job, you hate your life, if you hate your life, you hate yourself, if you hate yourself, you hate God for creating you. If you hate God for creating you, then you’re just not getting why you’re here."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Powered By God


The Chorus

"Part of atheistic reasoning is that there is no tangible evidence that God exists. Atheists see all the horrors of the world and blame God, instead of seeing all the fascination of the world and thanking God. Their true faith has been shattered and shards of glass cloud their vision. However, at some point, their faith does a U-turn.

We are all here together. A chorus is not a solo. It needs altos, baritones, sopranos and tenors to sing harmoniously. Whether you believe in God or not, we are still in the same chorus being conducted by the mightiest of maestros."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...To Go Or Not To God



"The bills we have today are from a debt of long ago. We can't no more pay the debt overnight than we can live our life in one day. Life is a system of checks and balances and a very patient accountant that tallies our deeds over lifetimes."

~Alexys Fairfield



"I think our true selves do exist underneath all of the doctrine. Life is about unburying ourselves to reflect the truth in our Soul. People who haven't found their true selves will often complain that it doesn't exist. They would rather spend a lifetime trying to disprove that the circle is round and the square is square.

They are buried alive in false illusion and are operating from the ego that they supposedly deny. In the process of disproving the true self, they find their own in a black hood at the end of a hangman's halter.

Journeys of self exploration don't perfect the ego - - the ego would never take time away from itself to explore the deeper realms of man. The ego is superficial, the Soul profound. The ego tries to drive, but the Soul has control of the wheel.

You have to find the right truth for yourself, don't let others define it for you. Until we walk in someone else's shoes, we will never know the steps they take to truth."

~Alexys Fairfield


Big Ears

"The universe has big ears. It hears you speak. Sees you think. Watches you create. Thoughts are powerful. They are manifestations of form. What you say is what you create. What you think is what you are. What are you thinking? What are you creating? What are you doing right now? The universe is listening. The universe is an assembly line that repackages the thoughts you give it. It sends back exactly what you request. It's a fufillment center."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Powerful Thoughts


Speaking Of God

"The language of God is not shrouded in religion, color, creed, isms or schisms. It is in every fabric of beingness. God speaks to us eye to eye, ear to ear, heart to heart, in a easy dialect that we can understand. It isn’t a message in a bottle that has been cast in a sea many years ago. It is now. God is speaking to us.

I am a rock
Splash into me
Wash upon my shore
Through the dark waters
Tread unto me
I am your light
Your shoulder
Blessing your Soul
I feel your waves breaking
Your water shifting colors
Through the currents ends
I embrace you with
Majestic tenderness
Rest in my arms
I am you
I am God"

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...God Rocks


The Biology Lesson

"Though it has spiritual overtones, wisdom is somewhat scientific. In biology, mitosis is the process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, typically in four stages resulting in two new nuclei, each of which has the same chromosome and DNA as the original cell -- such is wisdom. Once wisdom is produced, it divides itself, not in four stages, but several stages because each time you discover it, you pass it on, and the person in which you pass it on, passes it on and so on and so forth. The end result is mind blowing. Wisdom comes at every age and every stage."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Defining Wisdom



Embrace the
in your life.
If you don't move
with the earth,
you'll fall into
the cracks.

~Alexys Fairfield



"It’s not about where we are when we shift our attention, it’s about where we go when we shift it."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Smoke Signals



"We have all gathered here to feel God; to see how God works; to know God; to be godly. We have come to this round table of expression, thoughts, ideas, truths, and experiences. We have brought bread and wine for our journeys. We have ventured out of our home territory to find a commonality; hope; a reason why we exist?

No matter what part of the world we are from, we are all kindred spirits from the same bloodline seeking truth. Our DNA is identical as the offspring of God."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Digging God


Lift Off

"Pain is a burden. A weight that people carry throughout their lives. When it gets too heavy, they have to put it down. When they alleviate the pain, they lift themselves back up."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Silent Burdens



"Our spiritual resolve has a reserve; a secret if you will? A secret that can be stretched for miles. We have a rubber resolve that coats our Soul and protects us from the spiritual earthquakes of a bipolar world, or the split personality of life. Even if we are pushed to our limits, we always snap back like a rubber band; back to the tutelage of Soul. Soul is impenetrable, nothing can harm it. Nothing.

When our emotions cause us pain, Soul stands firm. We are never out of its view. It does not want to see us hurt, but it cannot interfere with our fate. However, it does hold our hand through it all and never lets go. It wipes away the silent tears that get caught in our eyes. It listens to our cries in the dark; it eases our pain, but it won’t take it away. It won’t rob us of the experience. That’s how we master ourselves and beat life at its own game of fate."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in Rubber Soul


The Only Constant

"Times like these cause us to question our mortality and immortality. They make us wonder if we exist only to perish? They make us think? They make us question everything we think is real? Is our existence in vain? We wouldn’t exist if God didn’t love us. We are put here to understand and overcome the ills of inhumanity.

As long as we live, we have disasters. It’s part of our existence on earth; a part of God’s plan. We exist to eat from God’s table, but in order to get to that table, we have to gather the food (experience). In order to get the food, we have to scrounge through the forest and surmount the darkness of the forest.

Love is the only constant we have in this world. Love is all we leave in the world. To love each other is our greatest reward."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Five Years Ago



"Happiness isn’t based on age. It’s based on being connected to your inner source. The spark in your eyes. The spring in your step. The love in your heart. The energy that moves you. The energy in which you move."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Never Too Old


Are You Running Out?

"Time would never survive on the stock market because it constantly loses it’s value. The more there is, the more there isn’t? The more time you have, the less time you have? Time is like a bad accountant; it never balances the books. In the physical world, we can only understand time and space with numbers. It guides us forward. Time metamorphosizes our perception of time.

There is one thing we cannot do with time? That is timing success. Most people think that they can actually time success, only to be disappointed many years later when their dreams shatter; or at least they feel that way.

The uncanny arrival of success sneaks in at all hours of the night. Success is temperamental. You have to know how to treat it in order for it to stick around, otherwise it can harm you and/or leave you.

The point is that we can’t time success. It times us. It may not be what we think? Success is a chameleon. The best success is living in harmony with yourself. Accepting yourself truly and truthfully. Because it’s all just a matter of time."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...A Matter Of Time



"Isn’t it interesting how our knowledge can shift because we as a people and a planet are ever evolving? The knowledge we learn today may not be needed for tomorrow. However, it is needed for now and that’s all we can focus on, getting to the next step however measured or far away."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Falling From The Sky


Free My Soul

"When we feel free, we feel like flying and when we fly, we soar the highest heights. In our Souls we are free and we get closer to that freedom everyday that we choose to rely on our inner masters.

It is a freedom that is graceful and all encompassing. It is the freedom of truth. We are all a part of God’s inner circle and the freer we are, the closer we get to the heart of God. It’s in that close proximity that we feel at home. Who says you can’t get anything for free? Life is good. Free is better!"

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Sci-Fi Apple


Wake Up Now

"I see so many people who have already checked out of life’s hotel. They just take up space in a body. They are cold to the touch. No presence. No flicker in their eyes. No verve. No reason. No rhyme. No tilt. No spin. No view. They are slowly circling. Going down the drain into the abyss. Let’s galvanize for a better day. Wake up those who are fast asleep. Tell them, this is life. Wake up. Reach out. Stand up. Be heard. Stay tuned. Eyes open. Check in. Give love. Get love. Be love. Be well. Be alive. But first you have to wake up!”

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Strangers In The Dark


Measure For Measure

"Success is an ambiguous device. It can simultaneously kiss your lips and cut your throat. It is a slick salesman who sells you gold that turns into dust. It is a master illusionist cheating your eyes into seeing something that isn't there. It's deception can turn a white dove into a raven.

We have to stretch that measuring tape further. We have to let it measure our real value -- our spiritual worth. If we don't have spiritual worth, we are paupers forever scrounging for food while feeling the hunger pangs of our spirits.

Isn't true success the way we treat others? How we treat loved ones, strangers, the human race? You know how much you are worth by what you do to increase your spiritual value.

Practicing forgiveness, contentment, detachment and humility all add to your spiritual worth. Living a life of values can be an invaluable experience."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Measuring Success:
The Fish Or The Fisherman


Spiritual Classroom

"Our spiritual classroom never ends. We are constantly learning and being tested. Spirituality is a library of many resources. Our hearts fill with life and our spirit organizes, categorizes and archives our impressions. We can pull them up anytime on our mental screens and recall how we learned from an experience or get background on an experience we have yet to learn?

Every piece of information we get from our library informs us and thus improves our lives. The library is my secret weapon. It is the only source I can rely on to get the information I need."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...My Secret Weapon



"There is a spiritual syllabus; especially the use of imagination. Imagination is the cornerstone of Soul travel. We can transport our Souls any time we feel lost, lonely or alone. This story also teaches that we can use our unique gifts to create the life we want, which starts in our imagination and can eventually manifest into our reality.

There is a dark side of life, but if we know that going in, we can battle those dark moments of despair with the collaboration of God. Moments of despair don't last forever, they are purification rest stops. These are the times we can plan our reinvention, put on our game face."

~Alexys Fairfiled

Read more in...Squeezing Lemons



"Part of our spiritual skill set is having the intuitive dexterity to read people. We must be aware of how people shield their true selves to harm us in order to elevate themselves and how they project distorted impressions of us.

When we know our true purpose, we work alongside God. We can't be afraid of what others think of us; it's not about us. It's about mediating the conflict that arises when we feel that our purpose is compromised. God can't be forced down the throat, godliness has to live in the heart. We are all searching for personal truth that may not be found in tradition or religion, but the stark nakedness of knowingness.

You have to belong to yourself, no matter what you do? If you don't have a sense of belonging; a sense of being in the right place at the right time, then you are spinning your wheels.

Rituals are hard to break especially if one is entrenched in them, but they can certainly be a starting pistol to get you to your own finish line."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Chocolat For The Soul


Under Construction

"Each of our Souls are made of several life experiences that shape our thoughts, ideals and motion in this lifetime. When people tend to speak of past lives, they tend to romanticize them. We can't all be kings and queens, gods and goddesses. Some Souls had to play Jack The Ripper and Attilla the Hun.

Some aspects of our past lives carry over into this life, but we may never realize it unless we study the connection between our Soul. We are all capable of doing grand gestures and horrific acts. Greatness and wickedness both lay dormant in our Souls until we wake them. It's never too late to redesign your life and make it into something worthwhile."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...In Your Own Defense



"Love is the dessert of the heart - -
the sweet sticky frosting of life."

~Alexys Fairfield


Dance Of Pain

"Pain is like a predator that stalks us in the night. Once it gets a hold of us, it rips us to shreds like shrapnel. It makes its way through our bodies, storing itself in our emotions and memory, attaching itself to our ability to feel vibrant again. We learn to overcome pain through invention. When we begin the process of rearranging the pain, the severity is mollified. By the time we are finished rebooting ourselves, we have gained another layer of skin. We don't forget what has happened, we acknowledge and regroup."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Zorba's Dance


The Trade

"Trust is a varied emotion. It hangs in the balance of thought and desire, right below the intellect and the heart. We develop it as a refuge for sanity. It increases or decrease according to our experiences. It is always around us, following us, fueling us, flowing in us. Trust is an exchange. A trade. You are trading yours for someone else's."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...In God We Trust



"In the spiritual realm, there are no bad experiences. Every experience comes with a lesson plan. Once we learn it, we graduate to the next lesson. Whether we think it is good or bad, it causes us to remember. When we archive those memories, we can always refer back to them to see the lesson again."

~Alexys Farfield

Read more in...In The Dark



"When did your life begin? Does any of it end? When did you know what you know? What do you know? What do you need to know? When did your time on earth feel different? When did your steps become measured?

When did you feel the life force run through you? Was there thunder? Lightening? Did you see the light? When did your eyes open? When did your perception of the world change? When did you begin to negate everything you were taught to believe? When did you start rewriting your history?"

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Walk In Your Shoes



"At what point are our dreams realized? How long is the road? How many miles? Steps? Feet? Inches? When do we know that we have reached the summit of the mountain? We know when we know.

On the way to the dream, you put in the time, fan the desire, wrestle with doubt, let it consume you like a slave of lust, suffer consequences in the beginning, encounter sleepless nights, withstand bumps, bruises, shed a few tears and welcome euphoria that comes in spurts, but it does come nevertheless."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Am I There Yet?


Journey For The Prize

"We start with all the hope in the world, knowing that we are going to win the coveted prize. We already have plans of what we are going to do with it once it is in our grubby little hands.

We begin trotting, then galloping. Once we get into full stride, we find it grueling and almost impossible to complete. We run into blinding sandstorms, swirling locust swarms, other riders trying to knock us off of our horse, intense physical, emotional and spiritual depletion; no food, no water in the desert alone, facing death, yet we still persevere.

When we fall off of our horse from exhaustion and we think its over, we get a second wind and get up to finish the race. During the race, we are taken to our limits. Then something miraculous happens? Our limits are redefined. We have gone beyond what we "thought" were our limits.

We survive only to be turned free to run with the gods. No longer chained to a body. Just free. That is the prize."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Ocean Of Fire



"Independence is the embodiment of flexibility which is an asset to spiritual liberation. When you are willing to be flexible, you are willing to grow flexibly. Rigidity does not work in enlightenment."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...High Light Independence


Spectacular Vistas

"I think it's natural to want to protect our heart; it's inherent, until we learn that no matter what we do, there will be instances when we get hurt. We bleed and we heal. Sometimes it comes from us protecting ourselves and not letting our hearts breathe fire.

Loving is a muscle that increases our strength and desire to live. The more we love, the more barriers will be broken down. Then and only then can we see the spectacular vistas in our Soul."

~Alexys Fairfield



"The L.A. homeless population is proliferating by leaps and bounds. Just east of Hollywood and the million dollar film premieres, bright lights and perfect smiles lies a troublesome reality. A reality that won't go away, no matter how hard we try to sweep it under the tarmac.

It's a reality that creeps into the rearview mirror of everyone. This bothersome black sheep bleats in the consciousness of the cityscape. It cuts across all neighborhoods, but the bulk of it is on skid row, where lives are rotting away by the second, eaten away by bad choices and wretched circumstances. The boulevard of broken dreams is scattered with skewed angels disintegrating into corpses."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Death Of Dignity


Your Path

"It is important to find the right partner in life, including the right path. Will you take the road less traveled or the main street? Is there more than one road to God? You can find many short paths or one long path to define your divinity. You can even create your own path and walk at your own pace. The point is that you will know when you are on the right path because it will feel right.

If you truly seek God, put your sail up and God will provide the wind to take you where you need to go, whether it's the way of the gods or your way to God."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Way Of The Gods


Think, See, Do

Think God.
Count your blessings.
See goodness in people,
despite the forces that
want you to believe
it doesn't exist.
Live for the moment.
Walk among giants.
Always be truthful,
but not hurtful.
Let the wind blow in your hair.
Be phenomenal in your duties.
Be dutiful in your phenomenality.
Love. Love. Love.
When you feel you've
loved enough,

Love again.

Read more in...Today's Agenda


The Smack Down

"Many people think if they lead a certain life that they will get heaven as a prize. They even go to church on Sunday and praise God, only to curse God during the week.

Church is not a refuge where wickedness is absolved. A person doesn't magically change as they walk in and God knows they don't change as they walk out.

When the ego is the pilot and we get too far off the ground, God masterfully knocks us back to earth."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in... Descendants Of Heaven



"We all want to be loved. We beg to be loved. We cry to be loved. We die to be loved. Love must start in the core of our beings and can't not be reliant upon outside sources. When we merge with other beings, they enhance what we already feel; what we already know.

Love develops our wings so we can soar. Our only want is to love in the way God has shown us. God teaches us how to fly. Our wings of desire determine how high?"

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...The Joy Of Flying


Pain Flee

"When some people experience loss, their first inclination may be to flee from the pain; which can make it worse. We can run, but we can't hide. Fleeing from life to avoid discomfort just causes an avalanche effect that will flatten us in flight.

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Coping With Loss


Be Light

"There are many people out there fumbling in the dark, trying to find their way home. If you are one of them, look for your light. There are many people out there with light. If you are one of them, look for your tunnel. Light someone's way through courtesy, kindness, compassion and tenderness. The more you use your light, the more light you are given. Be the light at end of the someone's tunnel and make the way home together."

~Alexys Fairfield

Read more in...Light The Way


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